" Enthusiasm makes the difference"
By . Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
This quote means that you can two different moods at the time and by what i mean is that , today you can be happy and the next day sad so you can never predict what happen the next day and be in a certain mood at times. As well you can be in the greatest mood that you are in the mood to do something fun , or share something with another. But the next morning you can be all stingy with your stuff and not share with someone else . Another example , you plan to buy some chips and a soda , so when you soon arrive to your house you have three kids witch are at a small age and those kids are always wanted something unless you educate them and your not in the right mood, or neither was planning to share with someone else but only , you and your self . But you know someday it will be twisted and the kids have something and you want some , you think they'll share with you ... i say they might because there nice kids unless they aren't but as long as you share your stuff with someone , they will return the favor for you too , so its always good to be a great mood an not in a bad mood. Because that what makes you a great , appreciated kid , student or adult, Always become a successful student at outcomes , always try sharing you things to show others your caring and not stingy at times and that will learn you a lesson and become a better person.
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